7 Tips to Generate More Leads with Content

7 Tips to Generate More Leads with Content

Remember the days when marketing was a blood sport? When it required a ruthless approach to your competitors, deep pockets, and a scorched earth approach to capturing your “share” of the public’s attention so you could generate more leads?

Things sure have changed. Like many industries, the Internet has democratized marketing – but unlike other industries, that democratization hasn’t weakened or marginalized career fields (sorry travel agents). Rather, it has strengthened the power of a good marketing team – to the point that the average marketing budget has actually increased year over year for the last five years.

And it’s all about content. Today’s best marketing thought leaders are those that develop powerful, engaging, and most importantly, useful content for their readers. Content that solves problems, builds relationships, and guides readers in their pursuits. It also happens to capture email addresses, enter prospects into sales funnels, and generate significantly greater ROI toward sales than the scorched earth approach.

The best part of all? It’s accessible. You don’t need a six figure budget to write a really kickass eBook. You just need to know your audience and want to help.

If you are new to content marketing and are eager to learn how it works, and more importantly, how all those eBooks and blog posts generate more leads, here are 7 tips to do the same for your business.

Tip 1 – Identify Exactly Who Your Target Audience Includes

Without a doubt, you are probably an expert in your field. You know your business inside and out. No marketing agency or consultant could match what you know about your prospects. Why then are your marketing materials so generic?

An effective content marketing campaign strips out all the guessing, all the broad approach content, and all the 101-level “here you go” content from the start. You need to know exactly who your ideal audience includes and what their problems are.

HubSpot identifies this as a buyer persona and they get so specific as to give their avatars names and back stories. Imagine you are writing your book for one person – what does that one person (your ideal customer) need from you? How can you solve their problems? The subsequent book will be written with much cleaner, more focused language as a result.

If you’re not sure exactly how to break this down, perform an audit of your best customers. Who are the decision makers from those companies and how did you originally approach them? This is the core you’ll be focusing on.

Tip 2 – Answer Specific Questions in the Language They Recognize

The next step is to speak and respond in the language they best understand. Never assume anything when developing content for a marketing campaign. Here’s what we use when evaluating a target audience:

  • Social Media – How do they interact on social media? Which thought leaders do they follow and what kind of content do those people produce?
  • Groups and Forums – Visit LinkedIn Groups and industry forums and read the conversations being held. What are the most common problems cited and what language is used to discuss and solve those problems?
  • Sales Teams – The sales team has the best insights into the problems held by these individuals. Ask your sales team to provide common questions and concerns and the exact language used to describe those. Recorded calls can even help here.

To make your point and ensure someone finds value in that content, you need to provide answers in the same language and urgency with which the questions are asked.

Tip 3 – Create an Automatic Followup Machine

It’s relatively easy to generate more leads with content online. Write an eBook or White Paper and drive traffic to it (which you can do with ads) to capture information. But someone downloading an eBook is not necessarily a qualified sales lead.

Content marketing is an active process that manages a large portion of the nurturing that was historically done by the sales team. Email marketing in particular is incredibly important, with 73% of businesses saying this is crucial to all of their marketing efforts, and overall ROI surpassing social media by 20%.

The reason why is simple. Email allows you to followup with your prospects on autopilot – sending more information to them at set intervals and creating touch points every 2-4 weeks that keep you top of mind.

This “top of mind” mentality is incredibly important because your prospects will go in and out of research mode multiple times before they ever approach “buying” mode.

HubSpot has a version of the above graphic that breaks it down into 3-4 steps. I like this one slightly better because it shows the nuance between stages, but the core concept is the same – A lead is not just a lead.

That individual is in a certain state of mind. The type of content they download from your website and the type of interaction they have with your business will determine what type of lead they are. Someone downloading an eBook about “how IT services work” is an Explorer – someone just getting started.

Even if they download more than one piece of content they are still relatively high in the funnel. It’s when they start asking you specific questions, attending webinars, or replying to emails you send that they approach sales-qualified. But if you don’t followup with an automated machine that creates multiple possible touch points, it’s impossible to know when this will happen. 

Automation can be done in a number of ways. The simplest is with an email autoresponder that sends canned messages every 1-2 weeks. There are more, however. Website content that matches or changes to match the customer’s information is a great starting point as well.

Tip 4 – Diversify the Content You Create

Content is a broad term. It can mean any number of different mediums – blog posts and eBooks to be sure, but also infographics, videos, social graphics, and even audio clips. Visual content is processed 60,000X faster than just text by the brain and can have a much stronger impact when trying to capture someone’s attention online.

Additionally, keep in mind that not everyone learns the same way. Some people prefer to listen to information. Others are more hands on and want to do something with the information they are given.

There is no single type of content that will cover the needs of your target audience. Diversify with the same message across multiple mediums and you’ll provide a more complete solution.

Tip 5 – Be Consistent and Highly Active in All Channels

One of the biggest mistakes you can make with a content marketing campaign is the “burst and wait”. So much work goes into creating a single good piece of content that people tend to get very excited and blast it out as soon as it is completed.

The problem with this strategy (or lack thereof) is that once you send out your content – by email, blog post, and social media – what’s next? If you don’t have anything else on tap, all of your freshly engaged leads will quickly dry up and find their information elsewhere.

A good content marketing campaign relies on two things – relevance and consistency. So your content needs to be engaging and relevant – targeting the specific problems you know this audience has – and it needs to be delivered at set intervals. 

Frequency will depend on your audience, but a good starting point is to have weekly touch points of some sort. Here’s a breakdown of what we recommend as “minimum” engagement benchmarks:

  • Social – Daily
  • Blog – Weekly
  • Email – Bi-weekly
  • Download – Monthly

With four tiers of content delivered at varying intervals, you can engage with your prospects constantly without spamming them through a single channel. There is some overlap here (you will likely send an email and write a blog post to drive traffic to your new eBook), but the end result is upwards of 10 new touch points per week for your prospects, depending on where they connect with you.

Tip 6 – Ignore All of Your Preconceptions

It’s easy to make assumptions about your audience. You are, after all, an expert in what you do. But marketing is a tricky science. I’ve been working with business leaders and fellow marketers for more than ten years and in that time, I’ve been wrong as often as (and probably more than) I’ve been right.

The Achilles Heel of any good marketing team is assumption. Assuming you know how something will perform or making decisions based on what you’ve seen work or not work in other campaigns or on competitor websites can pigeonhole you to the point of failure.

Data is incredibly important in what the top inbound marketing companies do. I don’t make decisions without having a mechanism in place to test my hypothesis or at least run it through a smell test to determine if it’s wroth investing in.

It’s also a very effective way of trying something new for your organization without getting pushback from other decision makers. If you’re only “running a test”, there’s no long term commitment. If the test works, you look good and are given the thumbs up to continue. If it doesn’t, you probably don’t want to continue anyways. 

There are a number of mechanisms you can use to test your ideas. Just be sure to actually do it before investing in an idea.

Tip 7 – Create a High Converting Machine on Your Website

Last but by no means least is the machinery used to deliver your content.

If you want to generate more leads with the content you create and ensure that people not only find it, but engage with it so you can followup in a sales capacity, you need a good machine on your website to do everything listed above.

There are three components to a good website “machine”:

  1. Strong user experience that engages the visitor
  2. Technically sound platform to perform in search engines
  3. High converting CTAs and landing pages to drive conversions

Each of these points lies with a member of your marketing team – #1 with your designer, #2 with your SEO, and #3 with the strategy and CRO experts. 

Unfortunately, it’s number 3 that frequently gets overlooked. The “sexiness” of a new website or high Google rankings often overshadow the utilitarian value of a revamped headline on your top converting landing page, but here’s why this is arguably the most important part of the formula. 

The average website converts at between 0.5% and 1% when we start working with it. This is historically what I’ve seen from the majority of “fresh” sites that have minimal digital marketing history.

A good benchmark for a B2B website after update is 1.5% to 2%. That number can be achieved through redesign and content optimization. I’ve seen new sites launch before that instantly doubled conversions, simply through revamping user experience and clarifying conversion points.

But there’s more. When landing pages are overhauled, rewritten, and targeted to the very specific people that they can most benefit, the conversion rate reaches upwards of 3% to 3.5%. Top performers cap out above 4% conversion across the website. 

Imagine what that means. If your website goes from 0.5% to 4% conversion rate, you will be generating 8 TIMES more leads than you were before the updates were made. That’s a substantial difference. I’ve seen businesses get overwhelmed by the new volume, unable to keep up with the influx of people who need to be called every single day. It’s that powerful. 

A good landing page will make a huge difference in your lead generation efforts. Don’t overlook just how important this can be.

What’s the Next Step

With all of this said, there are a number of things you can do right now to get your website marketing ready and start benefiting from the value that good content can offer.

We’ve crafted an eBook to get you started that discusses the 17 things you can and should do to make your website as Marketing Ready as possible for the new visitors that you hope to drive there. From content creation to SEO updates and conversion page optimization, these are 17 quick tips you can work on right now to start improving your conversion rate and using content to generate leads for your business.

How to Connect with your Audience through Content

How to Connect with your Audience through Content

This is almost certainly not the first article you’ve read about content marketing. The Internet is littered with them; good marketers trying to help small business owners get more out of their marketing efforts through content generation.

But it’s not that easy. 

You can’t just write a blog post and flip a switch to start generating dozens of new leads. There’s a lot more going on behind the curtain. You have to connect with your audience in targeted ways.

So rather than repeat the same tired (and somewhat useless) tips about quality content and writing for your readers first, let’s look at real, specific ways that the content on your website can be used to connect with your target audience on the things they care about most.  

Build Content Around Singular Actionable Items

Keep your content concise and to the point. This doesn’t necessarily mean short, but it does mean you should avoid meandering, unfocused pieces that don’t necessarily provide value to the reader.

For every piece of content you write – whether it is a blog post, the script for a YouTube video, or an eBook – imagine the one problem your audience has that you can resolve. Develop content focused on solving that problem.

Complete guides to broad topics can be extremely valuable and will still generate downloads, but they take much longer, slowing down your marketing campaign, and they will attract more general leads – possibly including people you may not be interested in doing business with.

By building content around a single actionable concern, you can get stronger, more targeted leads through your efforts.

Clearly Define the Role of Each Piece of Content

A strong piece of content is not only well written, but well situated in your marketing funnel. When writing an eBook, or preparing a case study, what is the specific role of that piece? Where will it live on your website, who will read it, when will you email it to prospects?

More importantly, at what stage in the buying process will a prospective lead be interested in this content?

Imagine your ideal customer is on a 1,000 mile road trip from their home (not knowing anything about you or what your products do) to yours (becoming a customer). At what milepost will this piece of content live? Is it a Milepost 5 acknowledgement of the problem they face, or is it a Milestone 800 introduction to your services and pricing?

Know exactly where your content will live and it will perform much better when developed.

Pair Lead Magnets with Strong Published Content

It’s tempting to link to the same eBook over and over again on every page of your site. After all, you didn’t have anything on your site before, so that one book is better than nothing, right?

While this is true, it won’t result in the strongest results for your marketing efforts. The more targeted and specific each downloadable marketing offer you create is, the better it will perform.

So think of the different problems people visiting your site might have and how you can address them in different formats and with different subjects. Create content that covers these concerns and marketing offers that relate to them. For some businesses this might mean 3-5 different eBooks all working to provide value very early in the buyer’s journey. For others, it might mean only 1-2 offers. For others still, it might mean 30+ different offers.

There is no cookie cutter formula for this. It’s entirely dependent on your business and the problems faced by your audience. If you are stuck while trying to figure this out, get help from a good internet marketing specialist who understands this.

Invest Heavily in Your Headline

The single most important slice of real estate on any page of your website is the headline. It captures attention, defines the page’s purpose, and spells out the value proposition of what you’ve written.

So spend as much time on this as possible. You only have 10-20 seconds to capture and hold the attention of the average web user – your headline is the lynchpin to making this happen.

This does not, however, mean you should get overly creative and try to pen the world’s snarkiest headlines. On the contrary, simply, straightforward and to the point often get the job done best. I always look for the following when evaluating a headline:

  • Does it clearly spell out what the visitor will get?
  • Is it phrased in terms of benefits?
  • Is it short enough to be scanned in less than 4 seconds?
  • Does it make immediate sense without any jokes, metaphors, or rereads?

In some industries, additional rules may apply. Concrete numbers that make the headline more definite might be important if discussing a piece of technology or medical supplement. The goal is to be direct and ensure someone knows exactly what they are getting from your site.

Write to a Specific Individual

At first, persona marketing can seem counterintuitive.

Talk only to one person instead of broadening your message to as wide an audience as possible? Why would you want to do that?

But there’s a subtle magic in this kind of targeting. By identifying not only the demographics, but the actual needs and desires of your ideal customer, you can create much more specific content that speaks to real problems instead of general observations.

It doesn’t matter if the exact wording of your content strikes a chord with every reader. It will strike a resounding chord with the small handful of perfect targets you’ve been trying to track down, and others will respond to that personal-touch.

By following these  five tips, you can produce better targeted, more specific content that speaks to the needs of your target audience in the most effective way possible. By doing this, you will generate more leads with the same efforts, and see much greater results from your content marketing actions.

Learn more about how to optimize the existing pages on your site to convert and create new leads at much higher rates with our newest eBook – the Landing Page Conversion Optimization Checklist:

The Three Things Your Site Must Do to Be Marketing Ready

The Three Things Your Site Must Do to Be Marketing Ready

Your website is more than just a brochure. It is a digital manifestation of your business. It represents not only who you are as a company, but who your customers and prospects are and what they need.

That’s why it’s so important to have a clear plan in place before spending thousands of dollars to drive people to that website. If it doesn’t fully represent all of those groups, you may as well throw that money out a window. Let’s take a look at some of the things that an internet marketing expert pays attention to while crafting the right strategy.

There are three core things you can check on your website to ensure it is ready for a marketing campaign right now. 

Does It Speak the Right Language?

Forget your brand for a moment. Your website needs to transcend it and represent something more. This is an automated tool – you don’t have the benefit of a salesperson guiding someone through every click and explaining things not immediately clear on the site. 

Your website needs to perfectly capture two things in the way it communicates: 

  • The target personas and audience you want to be your customers. 
  • Your marketing message, spoken in a way that is relevant to these personas.

More than anything else, your website needs to clearly communicate what you can do that is different from your competitors to solve your prospects’ key problems.

Forget the bells and whistles, the shiny new coat of paint on your website, or the features you’ve been slaving over for years (however cool they might be). Does your site clearly communicate WHY those things matter specifically to your target audience? If not, this is the first thing to address.

Does Your Website Provide Value to Your Prospects?

Now that you know who your target audience is and what they need, does your website provide them valuable content that specifically addresses their needs and desires? If you’ve pinpointed the key pain points of your target persona, why isn’t every piece of content on your site about resolving that pain?

That doesn’t mean you need to rewrite your entire site, but revising and refining the language to match those needs is incredibly important.

At the same time, the content you create should be desirable enough to require registration. You want contact information so you can follow-up later, build relationships, and nurture new leads. This is where downloadable marketing offers come in. EBooks, video series, newsletters, whitepapers, and checklists – the kind of stuff that your prospect can download, take away and use to resolve their problem further.

Do You Have Recurring, Targeted Traffic Sources?

Finally, you need a way to get people on to your site, and more importantly, to engage with your content.

Getting traffic is easy. In fact, it’s probably the easiest component of any marketing campaign, if only because you can just pay for it. But getting GOOD quality traffic that matches your target persona, driven to the right pages of your site where they will engage with content you’ve curated just for them…that’s much harder. 

Fortunately, by identifying who your target audience entails, what they are interested in getting from your website, and how they would most like to engage with that content, you can seek out traffic sources that allow you to drive just that to your site. 

Is Your Website Marketing Ready?

Just having a website is not enough. You need a website that communicates who you are to the people you know you want to be your customers. Whether your website’s copy is too generic, or you just aren’t quite sure yet who that ideal audience entails, it’s time to take a step back and evaluate how to build a communications strategy that works.

How to Create the Ultimate Automatic Followup Machine

How to Create the Ultimate Automatic Followup Machine

Traditionally, marketing teams focused almost entirely on lead generation, dumping the fruits of their efforts in the laps of the sales team and walking away. Whether eventual ROI was measured or not, the value of a good marketer is in how many eyeballs they can attract and how many of those eyeballs convert to a lead of any kind.

But content marketing changes things. Not only does content open up an entire new tier of lead at the top of the funnel – not yet qualified for a sales conversation – but it gives marketers an opportunity to build a relationship between the brand and the prospect well before a sales person ever picks up the phone.

There are a number of benefits to this.

  • It can be automated
  • Prospects are primed for the conversation
  • Less things need to be explained predicating the sale

A well oiled marketing machine can get a lead from the top of the funnel to within a few short steps of the sale without a sales person’s interjection. Technology and a finely tuned followup system make this possible.

How to Build an Effective Followup Machine

Once a lead enters the funnel, they can be contacted by your company as many times as is necessary to move them to the next stage of the funnel. In short, you have started a conversation, and until they get tired of that conversation or walk away, you can keep talking.

As a vehicle for conversation, email is one of the most effective ways to make that movement. With 73% of businesses saying that email is a crucial part of their online marketing strategy and the overall ROI of email surpassing social media by 20%, it’s a prime candidate for your followup efforts. Better yet, the entire process can be automated – allowing you to get all these benefits without having to manually reach out to all those prospects.

A good followup machine has three things:

  1. Automated emails based on specific actions
  2. A minimum of 6 weeks of engagement
  3. Solid calls to action in each email

Here’s what that would look like for a typical eBook download: 

  1. Someone downloads an eBook from your website.
  2. They receive an automated followup email with a link to download their book.
  3. Seven days later they receive another email introducing them to a resource library on the website.
  4. Seven days after that email, they receive another with links to recent articles and white papers written by the company.
  5. Two weeks later, the prospect receives another email that offers assistance in making a decision related to their problems.
  6. Two weeks later, the prospect receives a fifth email with a link for them to contact you and ask questions or get a consultation.

And that’s not it. Every time you send out a broadcast email or launch a new piece of content that might be useful to that particular lead, you can send yet another email that provides them an opportunity to engage.

How This System Works

There are several reasons this type of system works so well. Imagine the process of making a decision for your business. Especially when researching potential solutions, you might visit a dozen or more websites looking for more information. No one site will stand out as being particularly useful in this process.

But if one of those companies sends you a followup email a week later to ask if your questions were solved and then offer additional content on that topic, what then? You’re much more likely to remember them as you get closer to making a decision.

Staying top of mind is key to this process and one of the reasons why automated followup is a must. More importantly, you don’t have to do anything – once these emails are written and programmed, they go out to everyone who falls into this category. It can drastically increase response rates from your prospects in just a matter of a few emails. All without you or your sales team having to get involved.

The Bottom Line

Email followups work and when automated, they allow you to engage with your leads at every level of the marketing funnel without having to involve sales people or drastically increase your budget to reach those prospects. 

If you’re trying to build your own automation system and would like to learn more about preparing your website for a content marketing campaign, download our Marketing Ready Checklist from the link below:

3 Ways to Create Content Outside Your Industry That Generates Leads

3 Ways to Create Content Outside Your Industry That Generates Leads

What does the average business blog look like?

Not the big corporate ones or the trendy startups, but the average IT services, financial advisory, or non-profit blog?

It’s full of company news, hiring announcements, and industry jargon that means very little to anyone not already in the know. 

All of which is fine if the goal is to provide periodic updates, add new things to the website every few weeks, and look like a large, professional firm.

But if your goal is something more? What if your aim is not just to push content out, but to attract and educate prospects, pulling them into your marketing funnel as potential customers?

Content marketing needs something more robust than just another fluffy company news piece. It needs to be educational, actionable, and interesting.

All of which can seem difficult in heavily technical industries with complex topics that don’t lend themselves well to short form write-ups. Which is why it’s so important to find areas that are of equal interest to your prospects. Let’s look at three ways you can do this and how that “outside topic” content can push your content marketing efforts over the edge. 

Look at their Role, Not Title

To a IT services firm in Salt Lake, every business that contacts them has roughly the same problems, so it’s easy to start thinking that’s the thing they want to read about. 

But the CTO or IT Director for a company has a lot of other things on their plate. Onboarding new software solutions, reducing costs in certain areas, streamlining operations, working with the development team more seamlessly, or just being more productive on a personal level.

Evaluate the role your target audience plays in their organizations and look for common concerns they share that you can write about. Forget the title or the conversations you have and focus on what their real pain points are each day. 

Expertise Builds Trust

Businesses are started every year by people with a passion for what they do. Doctors, scientists, lawyers, bakers, and a hundred other specialties might go into a field that seems otherwise well outside their area of expertise. 

Data scientists running a board game company. Doctors launching software applications. Programmers kicking off a non-profit venture.

These are common situations, and all-too often, the founders will focus on what they now sell, not what they know best. Don’t let your current business venture bury the expertise of your leadership. Get out there and showcase it, talk about your new business in the context of what you did before, and show that you are an expert in your field. People will trust you because of it, not despite it. 

Have Some Fun!

For B2B companies, the prospect of having a little fun can seem to run counter to your goals. You have a professional audience with professional needs and the last thing you want to do is push out goofy, unprofessional content that they might not appreciate.

But that doesn’t mean every one of your blog posts or videos should be a dry, boring slog through the intricacies of your industry. 

Get creative and showcase what you can do that’s different. The decision makers in your target audience look at a LOT of websites and read a lot of content – if yours stands out for being fun, irreverent, colorful, or flashy in a fun but professional way, they will remember it. And the topics don’t have to be directly related to what you do.

Building Content That’s Fun to Read and Watch

The goal of a good content marketing campaign is to educate and entertain. We all too often get caught up in the former, thinking every one of our posts needs to be the same dry, educational content we’ve been writing for years. 

And it will work. That content is important because it answers questions and showcases expertise. But it’s the latter that will set you apart from the competition, showing why you’re a one of a kind business that companies will want to work with. 

That’s something that will really set you above and beyond the rest. Ready to learn more about how your content can exceed expectations and wow your prospects? 

The 5 Types of Content Every Website Needs

The 5 Types of Content Every Website Needs

You have a website. It’s well designed and you’ve started promoting it to drive new business. But, whether it’s not getting enough traffic yet, or the people who do visit aren’t engaging with what you’ve published, there’s something missing.

Content is more than just a list of services and contact channels. It’s a powerful resource that can speak to the needs and desires of your target audience. It is the front line in your efforts to attract and build relationships with people who will one day turn into your next batch of customers.

For this reason, it’s important to cover all your bases. Here are five types of content that will help you do just that.

Clear Descriptions of Your Products and Services

Writing about what you do isn’t always easy. I’ve spoken with several manufacturers and IT companies that would prefer a list of capabilities and contact numbers over a detailed writeup of what they do. After all, why would someone be on the site if they didn’t know what they needed?

There are a few reasons why this is important. Good product and service descriptions offer:

  • A clear representation of what you do with specific language that showcases expertise.
  • Shows the search engines what your website is about and what you would like to rank for.
  • Supplemental materials for people who dolike to read rather than skim.

And it doesn’t have to be boring. Static, corporate style copy is easy, but it’s not always engaging and it’s sure as heck exhausting to write. Spice it up with clever design and an infusion of visual representations of what you do.

Detailed Presentation of You and Your Team

Almost every website has an About page, but most of these pages are glorified mission statements, pulled directly from your marketing plan or operating agreement. A couple sentences summarizing when you started and what you do, with a few awards and certifications thrown in for credibility.

This is all good, but you should a few steps further. Include things like:

  • Names of photos of your senior management team.
  • Introductions to your staff with fun facts about each of them.
  • A video tour of your office or production space to show people who you really are.

This kind of additional information serves two purposes. It makes you and your team “real” in a way few things are online, and it shows prospective employees what they are considering commitment to. Recruiting is notoriously difficult for high-skill jobs. Get a head start with smarter presentation.

Examples of Your Successes and Relationships

This is another area where many websites have a good start, but can do much more. Testimonial quotes are good, but consider what else you can showcase on your site as social proof. People want to see that you know what you are doing, have experience doing it, and have a stable of happy customers they could talk with if they wanted.

Consider adding the following elements to your site:

  • Headshots and titles for each of your existing testimonial quotes to personalize them.
  • Detailed case study writeups that go into detail about what you did, and the results achieved.
  • Video testimonials summarizing both above in a more personal format.

This type of content can go a long way in building stronger relationships with your prospects, and showcase why people trust and continue to work with you.

Thought Leadership that Answers Key Questions without Selling

A big part of what Chatfield Consulting does is establishing and building thought leadership for our clients. One of the first questions we get is about this very practice. What is thought leadership and what is the potential future ROI? Thought leadership comes in many forms, and when properly researched and presented offers many benefits.

Some of the content you should consider creating includes:

  • Long form blog posts that address common questions your sales team receives.
  • A peak behind the curtain of what you provide to your customers.
  • Personal takes on hot topics and recent industry news from your team’s leaders.

The benefit of doing all this is threefold. First, it shows that you have the expertise you claim. This content can be shared and distributed through expert channels to show this. Second, it attracts new people to your website through organic search on Google, social media shares, and industry-focused sites. Finally, it creates an intangible value in working with your company. As recognized experts, there is a certain credibility conveyed to the customer who choose to work with you.

Enticing Resources with Which to Capture Their Information

The fifth type of content you should consider including on your website is the lead magnet or marketing offer. This is content that goes even deeper than the blog posts, videos, and social media posts addressed in number four above. This can be eBooks, case studies, white papers, video series, or email courses that provide in-depth information about things your customers are asking about.

Some of the ways you can implement this type of content on your site include:

  • Creation of a resource library with several documents addressing common questions and concerns.
  • Inclusion of a matching lead magnet with every blog post that can be downloaded for additional information.
  • Showcase these downloads on your homepage and key product/service pages as examples of thought leadership. They also make good sales supplements.

The key is to make sure your prospects are providing their contact information in exchange for the content they download. With this you can nurture them via email and provide more value, interspersed with your sales messaging.

Leveraging Content to Grow Your Business

With the right approach to content development and presentation on your website, you can build a strong reputation, showcase proof of the work you’ve done in the past, and drive new people to the pages that are most likely to convert them to leads for your sales team. Learn more about how you can get your website marketing ready with the right content in our eBook:

Why Subject Matter Expert Content Often Fails, and How to Fix It

Why Subject Matter Expert Content Often Fails, and How to Fix It

Establishing expertise is important for all businesses, but it’s especially critical for B2B companies. In fact, subject matter expert (SME) content has become a crucial component of most B2B companies’ digital strategies.

There’s just one problem, though.

This type of content often fails.

Fortunately, that failure can often be blamed on one of three problems. If you avoid these problems, your campaign is likely to be a success.

Lack of Time

You need to add content to your website and other marketing channels on a regular basis, or you won’t maintain the interest of the companies you serve. This can be a problem when dealing with SMEs.

SMEs are experts for a reason. They are immersed in their fields, and that keeps them busy. In fact, they have so many irons in the fire that it’s normal for them to have issues with availability and communication. They simply don’t have enough time, so they might put your company on the backburner.

For example, they might not be able to provide you with the requested SME content for a month, and there is a good chance they will be slow to communicate that information to you.

How do you fix this problem?

You likely can’t change the SME, but you can change your approach by contracting with several SMEs. Once you get them all on a schedule, you should have content coming in on a regular basis, even if all of your SMEs have issues with availability.

Also, set clear deadlines for each SME, and if someone is terrible about meeting them, let that person go. That’s another reason it’s important to have multiple SMEs at your disposal. Some might not work out for the long run.

Too Much Jargon

If you’ve spent any time dealing with a subject matter expert, you have probably seen this issue firsthand. SMEs spend their time dealing with a specific subject. They know it inside and out, and that can cause them to get lost in the weeds when talking about it. Their sentences are often full of jargon that most people don’t understand, and that makes the content a real dud when it comes to marketing it.

Fortunately, there is a quick fix to this.

Tell your SME to pretend the readers are 5 years old.

This will force the SME to provide simple explanations for difficult subject matter, so everyone can understand it. Keep in mind your SME still needs to include technical details, but these details need to be broken down so everyone can understand them. The simpler the better when it comes to subject matter expert content for B2B businesses.

Lack of Interest by Internal Stakeholders

Internal stakeholders aren’t always interested in content marketing. They don’t understand why a company should spend money on SMEs, so they might vote it down.

You can use statistics to prove the need for effective content marketing. These statistics will likely cause them to reconsider hiring SMEs.

First, content marketing is about leading, not following, and using experts is the best way to lead. Unique site traffic is 7.8 times higher for content leaders compared to followers. If your stakeholders want your B2B business to grow, you need to include SMEs in your content marketing strategy. Otherwise, your company will spend its time following others instead of leading.

It’s also a good use of money. The most effective B2B marketers use 39 percent of their marketing budgets on content marketing, and they get more bang for their buck. Content marketing generates about three times as many leads at traditional marketing while costing 62 percent less.

It’s Time to Hire Some SMEs

Now you are finally ready to reach out and add some SMEs to your team. Keep in mind that there’s a learning curve every time you add new members to your team. There might be some hiccups along the way, but it won’t take long to finetune the process. Just follow these tips and your SME content will truly shine. It will help you educate your customer base and attract some long-term clients to your team. When used correctly, SMEs can take B2B companies to the next level.